October is Mental Health Awareness month and for that reason I wanted to share with you ways to look after your Mental Health. It doesn’t mean just in October, it’s all year round consistently. Our mental and physical well-being is connected, it’s important that we look after both.
Eat Healthy: eating a balanced diet filled with nutrition for our physical health will also fuel our brain impacting our mental health. Ensure you eat fresh produce - fruit, veg and good sources of protein that nourishes the body and mind.
Stay Active: research has shown huge benefits of exercise improving mental well-being as well as, improving self-esteem, sleep and overall wellness.
A walk is a great way to get active and it's free.
Talk about your feelings: none of us have everything together so it’s important to talk about how you are feeling. “A problem shared is a problem halved.” Find a friend, loved one or colleague to confide in. Talking to someone can instantly bring you a sense of calm.
Stay in Touch: although in these times it’s not possible to meet face to face, stay in contact with friends and family virtually to grow connection and enhance relationships. Relationships are crucial to our growth as humans as we evolve, so nurture those that you have.
Drink Sensibly: alcohol is a depressant and therefore is not the best way to deal with your feelings. It’s recommended to monitor your alcohol intake sensibly and use other methods to help your mental health.
Self-care: practice self-care daily. This can be anything that involves giving yourself space and time to reflect and look after yourself. There are many activities that can help you practice self-care including: going for a walk, taking a bath, singing & dancing, exercising, going for a massage, reading, knitting – anything that makes you feel good about yourself.
Do something that sparks Joy: life isn’t just about working. We are here to enjoy life with our family and friends. Try to find what brings you joy in life and give it the space it needs to help you grow.
You Are Enough: all you can do in life is your best. Don’t put yourself under pressure to live up to others expectations. Be kind to yourself and know that what you offer is enough.
Ask for help: we don’t always need to reach rock bottom to need help. Sometimes in our busy lives all we need is someone to listen. Seek out the support you need to combat anything that is worrying you.