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The Key Components to Health

Writer's picture: Stacey MurtaghStacey Murtagh

Being healthy doesn't have to be complicated. As much as there is a wealth of knowledge regarding health available online, I feel that sometimes it can be overwhelming. I always get asked about fad diets which I always advise against. Consistency and patience is key in reaching your health goals. Change doesn't happen overnight unfortunately so it's important to build small daily habits that support you. Therefore, I thought I would break it down into some key components of what can help you on your way to becoming a healthier version of yourself: NOURISH YOUR BODY

  • Eat a balanced diet by reducing highly processed foods, red meat, alcohol and carbonated drinks. Try to increase your fruit and veg intake and find balance on your plate for each meal when it comes to carbs, protein and fats/oils.


  • Drink a large glass of water every morning upon waking to hydrate the body and brain. Yes your brain. You have ultimately fasted for 8 hours and your body needs the hydration to be productive. Water will help awaken all of your organs and support the liver in detoxing your body.


  • Your body needs approx 7-8 hours of sleep per night for recovery and relaxation.

  • Create a sleep routine and ensure that you get good quality sleep. Download my FREE sleep guide here.


  • Move your body daily. Even if it's only a 20 minute walk or stretching. Your body supports every single activity that you do but will ultimately start to decline with age if you neglect it. In your late 30's your muscle memory starts to decline so you may need to work harder. Muscle is important to support your body, balance and movement also supports cognitive brain activity and helps reduce the risk of developing dementia.


  • Find a job that you love. You don't have to love it every single second, but it should bring you joy in some ways. Life is too short to work somewhere you don't enjoy.


  • Pay yourself first and budget your finances every single month. Finance can cause a lot of stress and in order to help combat that try to plan and organise your finances so you don't have to worry.


  • Whether it's family, partners or friends connection in our relationships are so important. Our relationships helps us live longer, grow and feel better about ourselves and our lives when we feel connected with others. However, sometimes there are relationships that don't support this, perhaps they are negative and for that reason it's important to evaluate the relationships that you have and decide if they are worth nourishing.


  • Self care is crucial for your health. Loving yourself first before loving someone else makes sense, how can you possibly show love to another person but not yourself? How can you look after others if you can't look after yourself? On an aircraft you must put your own oxygen mask on first before assisting others. Check in with yourself often and understand when you need to fill up your own cup first.

There are other things that I would highly recommend considering but I thought this was a good starting point on the basics. I hope you find it helpful.

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