My Journey
A little bit about me
From a little village in Co. Down, N. Ireland I moved to Dubai in 2009 to pursue my dreams of a better life. By day I'm a Marketing Manager and in my spare time I coach health transformations.
How I became a health coach is a long story, but ultimately I have had my own weight and digestive issues since I was a child. When I moved to Dubai I inevitably gained the Dubai 2 stone (I know embarrassing). My weight had always bothered me and it was time to change that. I decided enough was enough. I overhauled my diet and fitness routine which helped me lose over 2 stone (14kg) to come down to the lowest weight I had ever been. Finally I had found my healthiest weight. But it didn't end there. In 2017, I was diagnosed with SIBO and visceral hypersensitivity (IBS). I was working in a job that was causing me anxiety and therefore it was having a huge impact on my health. There needed to be changes.
I am on my own personal health journey and want to share with others how I can help them with theirs. We're all individually different, so one size doesn't fit all. If you're looking to transform your health, get in touch!